ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024) - Standort Delitzscher Straße

04129 Leipzig
Klinikum St Georg gGmbH

ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024) - Standort Delitzscher Straße


Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH

ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024) - Standort Delitzscher Straße

vor 1 Monat17.12.2024
04129 Leipzig

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ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024)

Your personal information

Apply now to Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH as ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024).

Please check whether you meet these basic requirements:

  • Work permit required in Germany or Schengen/EU
  • At least advanced (B1/B2) in German language required
  • Use in shift work necessary
  • Place of work must be accessible: Standort Delitzscher Straße
SANO, Zentral-OP, Zentrum für Operative Medizin, OTA, Operationstechnische/r Assistent/in, OP, Operativer Funktionsdienst, Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger/in, Ein- und Ausschleusen von Patienten, Patiententransport,, Empfehlungsbund

This Job resp. positions as 'ATA -Anästhesietechnischer Assistent (d/m/w; 293/2024)' is vacant in following addresses: 04129 Leipzig in Sachsen.

Short profile of Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH

With over 3,500 employees (St. Georg Group) at various locations in and around Leipzig, the St. Georg Hospital is the city's second largest hospital. As a high-performance specialist provider, we are regionally and nationally the hospital of choice for many people when it comes to undergoing treatment. The well-being of its own employees is also important to the St. Georg Clinic in Leipzig. The St. Georg provides a wide range of offers and services for an attractive working environment and a positive working atmosphere.

With our membership in we consciously break new ground in recruiting. We use it to fill important positions in our company very efficiently with qualified specialists based on recommendations from the network partners.

Ms. Sophie Antonia Frommherz, Abteilungsleiterin Personalwirtschaft

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What is is a community of the Empfehlungsbund network, where a rejection turns into a recommendation. Leading Health care and social services companies of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia have joined in to recommend each other qualified specialists and managers in the region. is the start to your career network. offers SANO jobs and internships in Dresden, Chemnitz, Leipzig, Gera, and Halle (Saale) auf Deutsch verwenden

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Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH


Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH
Delitzscher Str. 141
04129 Leipzig

Gesundheit und Pflege
Gemeinnützige GmbH (gGmbH)


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