Campus Essen
Faculty of Mathematics, Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic
Post-Doc / Scientific Researcher (f/m/d, Nr. 006e-25)
EG 13 TV-L
The Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic consists of 11 research groups in the area of algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, arithmetic geometry and number theory at the University Duisburg-Essen in Essen. The advertised is part of the project AEI-DFG: “Topology of moduli spaces” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
01.04.2025 or later
2 years
100 percent of a full-time employment, (part-time employment is possible)
Within the scope of the activity, opportunities for further scientific qualification are offered.
Please submit your application with the usual documents quoting reference 006e-25 to Prof. Dr. Jochen Heinloth, Universität Duisburg- Essen, Fakultät für Mathematik, 45117 Essen, Phone 49(0)201-183 2420, E-Mail .
Information about the faculty and the institute can be found under: