Leiter Stammzelltherapien/ approbierter Facharzt (m/w/d)

63067 Offenbach
Institute for Regenerative Medicine GmbH

Leiter Stammzelltherapien/ approbierter Facharzt (m/w/d)


Arbeiten bei Anova

Sie bringen mit:

  • Abgeschlossenes Studium der Humanmedizin und ärztliche Approbation
  • Erfahrung im Bereich Knochenmarkspunktionen wünschenswert
  • Bereitschaft zur Kenntniserweiterung (Liposuktion, Krankheitsspektren GMP)
  • Motivation, Einsatzbereitschaft und Interesse an interdisziplinären Fragestellungen
  • Erfahrungen im Bereich Qualitätsmanagement von Vorteil
  • Sympathisches Auftreten, sehr gute Kommunikations- sowie Teamfähigkeit
  • Patienten- und qualitätsorientierte Arbeitsweise
  • Konzeptionelle, strategische Stärke gepaart mit einer klaren Umsetzungsausrichtung und Zielorientierung
  • Unternehmerisch geprägte Persönlichkeit
  • Exzellente Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse setzen wir voraus

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Selbstständige Beurteilung und Besprechung der internationalen Patientenanfragen in Zusammenarbeit mit den Patient Care Managern
  • Spenderauswahl und medizinische Betreuung der Patienten
  • Durchführung der Aufklärung und fachlich medizinische Beratung von u.a. internationalen Patienten sowie Erstellung eines Behandlungsplans
  • Durchführung von Knochenmarkspunktionen und Mini-Liposuktionen nach Einarbeitung
  • Ggf. Beratung von Patienten bei Kombinationstherapien (Partnerunternehmen VITUS Prostata Centrum)
  • Ggf. Mitarbeit in einer Kooperation mit Cyberdyne

Wir bieten Ihnen:

  • Eine anspruchsvolle, abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit im Feld der stammzellbasierten neuartigen Therapien sowie der translationalen Medizin
  • Kollegiale Arbeitsatmosphäre in einem multidisziplinären Team mit außergewöhnlichem Teamgeist und Motivation für Fortschritt
  • Zertifizierung nach GMP / GFP vorhanden
  • Gestaltungsspielraum und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten
  • Attraktives und familienfreundliches Arbeitszeitmodell (Gleitzeit, keine Nacht- oder Wochenenddienste)
  • Kurze Entscheidungswege
  • Unbefristete Festanstellung
  • Grundgehalt plus leistungsbezogener Bonus


Arbeitsverhältnis: unbefristete Festanstellung
Standort: Offenbach/ Frankfurt am Main
Beginn: ab sofort bzw. nach Vereinbarung

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Weiterführende Literatur zu MSC, BMC, Stamzellen Secretom und EVs

  • Georg Hansmann, Philippe Chouvarine, Franziska Diekmann, Martin Giera, Markus Ralser, Michael Mülleder, Constantin von Kaisenberg, Harald Bertram, Ekaterina Legchenko & Ralf Hass "Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived treatment of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension". Nature Cardiovascular Research volume 1, pages568–576 (2022).
  • Murphy JM, Fink DJ, Hunziker EB, et al. Stem cell therapy in a caprine model of osteoarthritis . Arthritis Rheum. 2003;48:3464–74.
  • Lee KB, Hui JH, Song IC, Ardany L, et al. Injectable mesenchymal stem cell therapy for large cartilage defects—a porcine model. Stem Cell. 2007;25:2964–71.
  • Saw KY, Hussin P, Loke SC, et al. Articular cartilage regeneration with autologous marrow aspirate and hyaluronic acid: an experimental study in a goat model. Arthroscopy . 2009;25(12):1391–400.
  • Black L, Gaynor J, Adams C, et al. Effect of intra-articular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem and regenerative cells on clinical signs of chronic osteoarthritis of the elbow joint in dogs. Vet Ther. 2008;9:192-200.
  • Centeno C, Busse D, Kisiday J, et al. Increased knee cartilage volume in degenerative joint disease using percutaneously implanted, autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Pain Physician. 2008;11(3):343–53.
  • Centeno C, Kisiday J, Freeman M, et al. Partial regeneration of the human hip via autologous bone marrow nucleated cell transfer: a case study. Pain Physician. 2006;9:253–6.
  • Centeno C, Schultz J, Cheever M. Safety and complications reporting on the re-implantation of culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells using autologous platelet lysate technique. Curr Stem Cell. 2011;5(1):81–93.
  • Pak J. Regeneration of human bones in hip osteonecrosis and human cartilage in knee osteoarthritis with autologous adipose derived stem cells: a case series. J Med Case Rep. 2001;5:296.
  • Kuroda R, Ishida K, et al. Treatment of a full-thickness articular cartilage defect in the femoral condyle of an athlete with autologous bone-marrow stromal cells. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007;15:226–31.
  • Emadedin M, Aghdami N, Taghiyar L, et al. Intra-articular injection of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in six patients with knee osteoarthritis. Arch Iran Med. 2012;15(7):422–8.
  • Saw KY et al. Articular cartilage regeneration with autologous peripheral blood stem cells versus hyaluronic acid: a randomized controlled trial. Arthroscopy. 2013;29(4):684–94.
  • Vangsness CT, Farr J, Boyd J, et al. Adult human mesenchymal stem cells delivered via intra-articular injection to the knee following partial medial meniscectomy. J Bone Joint Surg. 2014;96(2):90–8.
  • Freitag, Julien, et al. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis: reparative pathways, safety and efficacy–a review. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 17.1 (2016): 230.
  • Maumus, Marie, Christian Jorgensen, and Danièle Noël. " Mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine applied to rheumatic diseases: role of secretome and exosomes. " Biochimie 95.12 (2013): 2229-2234.
  • Dostert, Gabriel, et al. " How do mesenchymal stem cells influence or are influenced by microenvironment through extracellular vesicles communication?. " Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 5 (2017).
  • Chaparro, Orlando, and Itali Linero. " Regenerative Medicine: A New Paradigm in Bone Regeneration. " (2016).
  • Toh, Wei Seong, et al. " MSC exosome as a cell-free MSC therapy for cartilage regeneration: Implications for osteoarthritis treatment. " Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. Academic Press, 2016.
  • Chaparro, Orlando, and Itali Linero. " Regenerative Medicine: A New Paradigm in Bone Regeneration. " (2016).
  • S. Koelling, J. Kruegel, M. Irmer, J.R. Path, B. Sadowski, X. Miro, et al., Migratory chondrogenic progenitor cells from repair tissue during the later stages of human osteoarthritis , Cell Stem Cell 4 (2009) 324–335.
  • B.A. Jones, M. Pei, Synovium-Derived stem cells: a tissue-Specific stem cell for cartilage engineering and regeneration , Tissue Eng. B: Rev. 18 (2012) 301–311.
  • W. Ando, J.J. Kutcher, R. Krawetz, A. Sen, N. Nakamura, C.B. Frank, et al., Clonal analysis of synovial fluid stem cells to characterize and identify stable mesenchymal stromal cell/mesenchymal progenitor cell phenotypes in a porcine model: a cell source with enhanced commitment to the chondrogenic lineage, Cytotherapy 16 (2014) 776–788.
  • K.B.L. Lee, J.H.P. Hui, I.C. Song, L. Ardany, E.H. Lee, Injectable mesenchymal stem cell therapy for large cartilage defects—a porcine model, Stem Cells 25 (2007) 2964–2971.
  • W.-L. Fu, C.-Y. Zhou, J.-K. Yu, A new source of mesenchymal stem cells for articular cartilage repair: mSCs derived from mobilized peripheral blood share similar biological characteristics in vitro and chondrogenesis in vivo as MSCs from bone marrow in a rabbit model , Am. J. Sports Med. 42 (2014) 592–601.
  • X. Xie, Y. Wang, C. Zhao, S. Guo, S. Liu, W. Jia, et al., Comparative evaluation of MSCs from bone marrow and adipose tissue seeded in PRP-derived scaffold for cartilage regeneration , Biomaterials 33 (2012) 7008–7018.
  • E.-R. Chiang, H.-L. Ma, J.-P. Wang, C.-L. Liu, T.-H. Chen, S.-C. Hung, Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in combination with hyaluronic acid for the treatment of osteoarthritis in rabbits , PLoS One 11 (2016) e0149835.
  • H. Nejadnik, J.H. Hui, E.P. Feng Choong, B.-C. Tai, E.H. Lee, Autologous bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells versus autologous chondrocyte implantation: an observational cohort study , Am. J. Sports Med. 38 (2010) 1110–1116.
  • I. Sekiya, T. Muneta, M. Horie, H. Koga, Arthroscopic transplantation of synovial stem cells improves clinical outcomes in knees with cartilage defects , Clin. Orthop. Rel. Res. 473 (2015) 2316–2326.
  • Y.S. Kim, Y.J. Choi, Y.G. Koh, Mesenchymal stem cell implantation in knee osteoarthritis: an assessment of the factors influencing clinical outcomes , Am. J. Sports Med. 43 (2015) 2293–2301.
  • W.-L. Fu, Y.-F. Ao, X.-Y. Ke, Z.-Z. Zheng, X. Gong, D. Jiang, et al., Repair of large full-thickness cartilage defect by activating endogenous peripheral blood stem cells and autologous periosteum flap transplantation combined with patellofemoral realignment , Knee 21 (2014) 609–612.
  • Y.-G. Koh, O.-R. Kwon, Y.-S. Kim, Y.-J. Choi, D.-H. Tak, Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells with microfracture versus microfracture alone: 2-year follow-up of a prospective randomized trial , Arthrosc. J. Arthrosc. Relat. Surg. 32 (2016) 97–109.
  • T.S. de Windt, L.A. Vonk, I.C.M. Slaper-Cortenbach, M.P.H. van den Broek, R. Nizak, M.H.P. van Rijen, et al., Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells stimulate cartilage regeneration and are safe for single-Stage cartilage repair in humans upon mixture with recycled autologous chondrons , Stem Cells (2016) (n/a-n/a).
  • L. da Silva Meirelles, A.M. Fontes, D.T. Covas, A.I. Caplan, Mechanisms involved in the therapeutic properties of mesenchymal stem cells , Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 20 (2009) 419–427.
  • W.S. Toh, C.B. Foldager, M. Pei, J.H.P. Hui, Advances in mesenchymal stem cell-based strategies for cartilage repair and regeneration , Stem Cell Rev. Rep. 10 (2014) 686–696.
  • R.C. Lai, F. Arslan, M.M. Lee, N.S.K. Sze, A. Choo, T.S. Chen, et al., Exosome secreted by MSC reduces myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury , Stem Cell Res. 4 (2010) 214–222.
  • S. Zhang, W.C. Chu, R.C. Lai, S.K. Lim, J.H.P. Hui, W.S. Toh, Exosomes derived from human embryonic mesenchymal stem cells promote osteochondral regeneration, Osteoarthr . Cartil. 24 (2016) 2135–2140.
  • S. Zhang, W. Chu, R. Lai, J. Hui, E. Lee, S. Lim, et al., 21 – human mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes promote orderly cartilage regeneration in an immunocompetent rat osteochondral defect model , Cytotherapy 18 (2016) S13.
  • C.T. Lim, X. Ren, M.H. Afizah, S. Tarigan-Panjaitan, Z. Yang, Y. Wu, et al., Repair of osteochondral defects with rehydrated freeze-dried oligo[poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate] hydrogels seeded with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a porcine model
  • A. Gobbi, G. Karnatzikos, S.R. Sankineani, One-step surgery with multipotent stem cells for the treatment of large full-thickness chondral defects of the knee , Am. J. Sports Med. 42 (2014) 648–657.
  • A. Gobbi, C. Scotti, G. Karnatzikos, A. Mudhigere, M. Castro, G.M. Peretti, One-step surgery with multipotent stem cells and Hyaluronan-based scaffold for the treatment of full-thickness chondral defects of the knee in patients older than 45 years , Knee Surg. Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. (2016) 1–8.
  • A. Gobbi, G. Karnatzikos, C. Scotti, V. Mahajan, L. Mazzucco, B. Grigolo, One-step cartilage repair with bone marrow aspirate concentrated cells and collagen matrix in full-thickness knee cartilage lesions: results at 2-Year follow-up , Cartilage 2 (2011) 286–299.
  • K.L. Wong, K.B.L. Lee, B.C. Tai, P. Law, E.H. Lee, J.H.P. Hui, Injectable cultured bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in varus knees with cartilage defects undergoing high tibial osteotomy: a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial with 2 years’ follow-up , Arthrosc. J. Arthrosc. Relat. Surg. 29 (2013) 2020–2028.
  • J.M. Hare, J.E. Fishman, G. Gerstenblith, et al., Comparison of allogeneic vs autologous bone marrow–derived mesenchymal stem cells delivered by transendocardial injection in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy: the poseidon randomized trial, JAMA 308 (2012) 2369–2379.
  • L. Wu, J.C.H. Leijten, N. Georgi, J.N. Post, C.A. van Blitterswijk, M. Karperien, Trophic effects of mesenchymal stem cells increase chondrocyte proliferation and matrix formation , Tissue Eng. A 17 (2011) 1425–1436.
  • L. Wu, H.-J. Prins, M.N. Helder, C.A. van Blitterswijk, M. Karperien, Trophic effects of mesenchymal stem cells in chondrocyte Co-Cultures are independent of culture conditions and cell sources , Tissue Eng. A 18 (2012) 1542–1551.
  • S.K. Sze, D.P.V. de Kleijn, R.C. Lai, E. Khia Way Tan, H. Zhao, K.S. Yeo, et al., Elucidating the secretion proteome of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells , Mol. Cell. Proteomics 6 (2007) 1680–1689.
  • M.B. Murphy, K. Moncivais, A.I. Caplan, Mesenchymal stem cells: environmentally responsive therapeutics for regenerative medicine , Exp. Mol. Med. 45 (2013) e54.
M.J. Lee, J. Kim, M.Y. Kim, Y.-S. Bae, S.H. Ryu, T.G. Lee, et al., Proteomic analysis of tumor necrosis factor
  • -induced secretome of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells , J. Proteome Res. 9 (2010) 1754–1762.
  • S. Bruno, C. Grange, M.C. Deregibus, R.A. Calogero, S. Saviozzi, F. Collino, et al., Mesenchymal stem cell-derived microvesicles protect against acute tubular injury, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 20 (2009) 1053–1067.
  • M. Yá˜nez-Mó, P.R.-M. Siljander, Z. Andreu, A.B. Zavec, F.E. Borràs, E.I. Buzas, et al. Biological properties of extracellular vesicles and their physiological functions (2015).
  • C. Lawson, J.M. Vicencio, D.M. Yellon, S.M. Davidson, Microvesicles and exosomes: new players in metabolic and cardiovascular disease , J. Endocrinol. 228 (2016) R57–R71.
  • A.G. Thompson, E. Gray, S.M. Heman-Ackah, I. Mager, K. Talbot, S.E. Andaloussi, et al., Extracellular vesicles in neurodegenerative diseas—pathogenesis to biomarkers, Nat. Rev. Neurol. 12 (2016) 346–357.
  • I.E.M. Bank, L. Timmers, C.M. Gijsberts, Y.-N. Zhang, A. Mosterd, J.-W. Wang, et al., The diagnostic and prognostic potential of plasma extracellular vesicles for cardiovascular disease , Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 15 (2015) 1577–1588.
  • T. Kato, S. Miyaki, H. Ishitobi, Y. Nakamura, T. Nakasa, M.K. Lotz, et al., Exosomes from IL-1 stimulated synovial fibroblasts induce osteoarthritic changes in articular chondrocytes , Arthritis. Res. Ther. 16 (2014) 1–11.
  • R.W.Y. Yeo, S.K. Lim, Exosomes and their therapeutic applications, in: C. Gunther, A. Hauser, R. Huss (Eds.), Advances in Pharmaceutical Cell TherapyPrinciples of Cell-Based Biopharmaceuticals, World Scientific, Singapore, 2015, pp. 477–491.
  • X. Qi, J. Zhang, H. Yuan, Z. Xu, Q. Li, X. Niu, et al., Exosomes secreted by human-Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells repair critical-sized bone defects through enhanced angiogenesis and osteogenesis in osteoporotic rats , Int. J. Biol. Sci. 12 (2016) 836–849.
  • R.C. Lai, F. Arslan, S.S. Tan, B. Tan, A. Choo, M.M. Lee, et al., Derivation and characterization of human fetal MSCs: an alternative cell source for large-scale production of cardioprotective microparticles , J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 48 (2010) 1215–1224.
  • Y. Zhou, H. Xu, W. Xu, B. Wang, H. Wu, Y. Tao, et al., Exosomes released by human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells protect against cisplatin-induced renal oxidative stress and apoptosis in vivo and in vitro , Stem Cell Res. Ther. 4 (2013) 1–13.
  • Y. Qin, L. Wang, Z. Gao, G. Chen, C. Zhang, Bone marrow stromal/stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles regulate osteoblast activity and differentiation in vitro and promote bone regeneration in vivo , Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 21961.
  • M. Nakano, K. Nagaishi, N. Konari, Y. Saito, T. Chikenji, Y. Mizue, et al., Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve diabetes-induced cognitive impairment by exosome transfer into damaged neurons and astrocytes , Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 24805.
  • K. Nagaishi, Y. Mizue, T. Chikenji, M. Otani, M. Nakano, N. Konari, et al., Mesenchymal stem cell therapy ameliorates diabetic nephropathy via the paracrine effect of renal trophic factors including exosomes , Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 34842.
  • S.R. Baglio, K. Rooijers, D. Koppers-Lalic, F.J. Verweij, M. Pérez Lanzón, N. Zini, et al., Human bone marrow- and adipose-mesenchymal stem cells secrete exosomes enriched in distinctive miRNA and tRNA species , Stem Cell Res. Ther. 6 (2015) 1–20.
  • T. Chen, R. Yeo, F. Arslan, Y. Yin, S. Tan, Efficiency of exosome production correlates inversely with the developmental maturity of MSC donor, J. Stem Cell Res. Ther. 3 (2013) 2.
  • R.C. Lai, S.S. Tan, B.J. Teh, S.K. Sze, F. Arslan, D.P. de Kleijn, et al., Proteolytic potential of the MSC exosome proteome: implications for an exosome-mediated delivery of therapeutic proteasome , Int. J. Proteomics 2012 (2012) 971907.
  • T.S. Chen, R.C. Lai, M.M. Lee, A.B.H. Choo, C.N. Lee, S.K. Lim, Mesenchymal stem cell secretes microparticles enriched in pre-microRNAs , Nucleic Acids Res. 38 (2010) 215–224.
  • R.W. Yeo, R.C. Lai, K.H. Tan, S.K. Lim, Exosome: a novel and safer therapeutic refinement of mesenchymal stem cell, J. Circ. Biomark. 1 (2013) 7.
  • R.C. Lai, R.W. Yeo, S.K. Lim, Mesenchymal stem cell exosomes, Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 40 (2015) 82–88.
  • B. Zhang, R.W. Yeo, K.H. Tan, S.K. Lim, Focus on extracellular vesicles: therapeutic potential of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles , Int. J. Mol. Sci. 17 (2016) 174.
  • Hu G-w, Q. Li, X. Niu, B. Hu, J. Liu, Zhou S-m, et al., Exosomes secreted by human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells attenuate limb ischemia by promoting angiogenesis in mice , Stem Cell Res. Ther. 6 (2015) 1–15.
  • J. Zhang, J. Guan, X. Niu, G. Hu, S. Guo, Q. Li, et al., Exosomes released from human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived MSCs facilitate cutaneous wound healing by promoting collagen synthesis and angiogenesis , J. Transl. Med. 13 (2015) 1–14.
  • B. Zhang, M. Wang, A. Gong, X. Zhang, X. Wu, Y. Zhu, et al., HucMSC-exosome mediated-Wnt4 signaling is required for cutaneous wound healing, Stem Cells 33 (2015) 2158–2168.
  • B. Zhang, Y. Yin, R.C. Lai, S.S. Tan, A.B.H. Choo, S.K. Lim, Mesenchymal stem cells secrete immunologically active exosomes , Stem Cells Dev. 23 (2013) 1233–1244.
  • C.Y. Tan, R.C. Lai, W. Wong, Y.Y. Dan, S.-K. Lim, H.K. Ho, Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes promote hepatic regeneration in drug-induced liver injury models , Stem Cell Res. Ther. 5 (2014) 1–14.
  • C. Lee, S.A. Mitsialis, M. Aslam, S.H. Vitali, E. Vergadi, G. Konstantinou, et al., Exosomes mediate the cytoprotective action of mesenchymal stromal cells on hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension , Circulation 126 (2012) 2601–2611.
  • B. Yu, H. Shao, C. Su, Y. Jiang, X. Chen, L. Bai, et al., Exosomes derived from MSCs ameliorate retinal laser injury partially by inhibition of MCP-1 , Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 34562.
  • Jo CH, Lee YG, Shin WH, et al. Intra-articular injection of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a proof of concept clinical trial. Stem Cells. 2014;32(5):1254–66.
  • Vega, Aurelio, et al. Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells: a randomized controlled trial. Transplantation. 2015;99(8):1681–90.
  • Davatchi F, Sadeghi-Abdollahi B, Mohyeddin M, et al. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for knee osteoarthritis. Preliminary report of four patients. Int J Rheum Dis. 2011;14(2):211–5
  • Hernigou P, Flouzat Lachaniette CH, Delambre J, et al. Biologic augmentation of rotator cuff repair with mesenchymal stem cells during arthroscopy improves healing and prevents further tears: a case- controlled study. Int Orthop. 2014;38(9):1811–1818
  • Galli D, Vitale M, Vaccarezza M. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cell differentiation toward myogenic lineages: facts and perspectives. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:6.
  • Beitzel K, Solovyova O, Cote MP, et al. The future role of mesenchymal Stem cells in The management of shoulder disorders . Arthroscopy. 2013;29(10):1702–1711.
  • Isaac C, Gharaibeh B, Witt M, Wright VJ, Huard J. Biologic approaches to enhance rotator cuff healing after injury. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012;21(2):181–190.
  • Malda, Jos, et al. " Extracellular vesicles [mdash] new tool for joint repair and regeneration. " Nature Reviews Rheumatology (2016).

Weiterführende Literatur zu PRP

  • Rubio-Azpeitia E, Andia I. Partnership between platelet-rich plasma and mesenchymal stem cells: in vitro experience. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2014;4(1):52–62.


  • Xu, Ming, et al. " Transplanted senescent cells induce an osteoarthritis-like condition in mice. " The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (2016): glw154.
  • McCulloch, Kendal, Gary J. Litherland, and Taranjit Singh Rai. " Cellular senescence in osteoarthritis pathology ." Aging Cell (2017).

Patienten-Services des ANOVA Institute for Regenerative Medicine

  • Das Institut liegt in Offenbach am Main, im Herzen Deutschlands, weniger als 20 Minuten vom Frankfurter Flughafen entfernt
  • Individualisierte Therapie mit innovativen Stammzellprodukten
  • Individuell geplante diagnostische Untersuchungen mit modernen MR- und CT-Geräten und Blutuntersuchungen
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  • Persönlicher Service mit freundlichen, engagierten Patientenbetreuern und Krankenschwestern
  • Stetiger wissenschaftlicher Austausch mit akademischen Einrichtungen, um Ihnen die innovativsten Behandlungen im Bereich regenerative Medizin anbieten zu können